Practical lessons in endodontic treatment / Donald E. Arens ... [et al.]

Quintessence-1st(Gen. Coll.)  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
334 p. : ill. 
1. Endodontics. 2. Dental pulp diseases--Therapy. 3. Root canal therapy--Methods. 
This companion to the popular book Practical Lessons in Endodontic Surgery offers expert guidance to clinicians who have limited experience in the nonsurgical procedures involved in root canal therapy. Synthesizing the very latest clinical concepts and technologies with tried-and-true traditional treatment methods, it introduces readers to the challenges associated with nonsurgical endodontics and delivers realistic solutions in a clear, step-by-step, lesson-based format. Each of the 42 lessons offers useful, workable, and, above all, practical information and recommendations covering a specific aspect of endodontic care. Readers expand their knowledge incrementally, beginning with the essentials of patient diagnosis, examination, and record-keeping and progressing through lessons concerned with treatment planning and preparation for therapy; root canal instrumentation and obturation; and emergency and adjunctive procedures.Contents   Section I: Examination and Diagnosis 1 Medical Evaluation and Antibiotic Precautions 2 Clinical Examination and Assessment of an Endodontic Patient 3 Radiographic Examination and Interpretation 4 Diagnosis 5 Treatment Documentation and Record Keeping Section II: Treatment Strategies and Decision-Making 6 Managing the Apprehensive Patient 7 Endodontic Treatment Planning: Tooth-related Considerations 8 Endodontic vs Implant Therapy for a Single Tooth 9 Infection and Success Rates 10 Presenting a Treatment Plan to a Patient Section III: Preparation for Treatment 11 Endodontic Instruments and Equipment 12 Clinical Infection Control 13 Value of Magnification 14 Local Anesthesia 15 Guidelines for Rubber Dam Use Section IV: Canal Instrumentation: Shaping, Disinfection, and Case Management 16 Access Preparation and Orifice Identification 17 Instrument and Material Choices 18 Root Canal Irrigation 19 Strategies to Reach the Root Apex 20 Shaping and Cleaning the Anatomically Uncomplicated Canal 21 Shaping and Cleaning the Anatomically Complicated Canal 22 Locating and Opening the Mineralized Canal 23 Managing the Obstructed Canal 24 Mishaps During Root Canal Shaping 25 Mishaps in Shaping the Apical Third 26 Pain After Cleaning and Shaping 27 Single-Visit vs Multiple-Visit Therapy 28 Interappointment Temporization 29 Final Steps Before Obturation Section V: Endodontic Obturation 30 Guidelines for Sealers and Solid Core Materials 31 Materials and Methods of Obturation 32 Posttreatment Pain after Obturation 33 Responding to Posttreatment Disease 34 Challenges and Mishaps in Obturation Section VI: Emergency and Adjunctive Endodontic Procedures 35 Endodontic Emergencies and Their Treatment 36 Vital Pulp Capping 37 Apexogenesis and Pulpotomy 38 Apexification 39 Pulpal Treatment in Primary Teeth 40 Treating the Avulsed Tooth 41 Bleaching Techniques for Nonvital and Vital Teeth 42 Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth - from Amzon

The Library has : 9 copies
Acc. Nos. 420733 - 420741 are under the category of Quintessence 2nd batch 
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Includes references and index  
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